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Bleiben Sie auf dem Laufenden über die Trends in unserer Branche, Ideen und Initiativen, die Kultur in der professionellen Gastronomie machen.
20 | 05 | 2024
Company 2140Offcar gewann die prestigeträchtigen C3 Awards für die beste SuperFry-Gesamtkampagne.
24 | 01 | 2024
Messe 1889Vom 3. bis 7. Februar 2024 sind wir auf der Intergastra in Stuttgart (Deutschland).
08 | 09 | 2023
Messe 3378Vom 13. bis 17. Oktober sind wir zur 43. Ausgabe von Host in Mailand.
09 | 08 | 2023
Company 2509Die Gastronomiebranche steht ständig vor neuen Herausforderungen und Trends. Um in diesem wettbewerbsintensiven Umfeld erfolgreich zu sein, ist es...
16 | 07 | 2021
Company 9788Schauen Sie sich diese virtuelle Offcar Tour!
22 | 06 | 2020
Company 7211Freeda ist das neue Konzept von OFFCAR, mit dem alle Köche überall Küchen einrichten können.
10 | 04 | 2020
Company 6397Konfiguration und Design der Offcar-Profiküche ist jetzt noch einfacher Dank unserer Partnerschaft mit Specifi können Innenarchitekten und Designer...
24 | 02 | 2020
Messe 9148HRC (HOTELYMPIA), which is taken place at the Excel Exhibition Centre in London from 3rd to 5th March 2020, is the most important event for the...
07 | 02 | 2020
Messe 9007Since some years, we have been working on a great project in Turin, Italy. We are going to show you the kitchen we made for Cucco Restaurant, an...
17 | 01 | 2020
Messe 7722The Pokè Bowl plate is already on our tables, how to prepare it?
28 | 10 | 2019
Messe 9664The 41st edition of HOST Milan 2019, the world's leading reference exhibition for the future trends in the world of catering and professional...
07 | 01 | 2019
Messe 8329Offcar is pleased to invite you at the world hospitality and food service event SIRHA 2019
20 | 04 | 2018
Produkten 10781High-performance noodle cooker and automatic baskets lifter with timer.
27 | 03 | 2018
Produkten 14501OFFCAR are proud and happy to announce that our SUPERFRY 2.0 won the Bronze Award in the Light Equipment Category at the SINGAPORE SCI EQUIPMENTS...
19 | 03 | 2018
Produkten 11986Kopa è la combinazione perfetta tra un forno e un barbecue. La combustione controllata del carbone nel forno previene la fuoriuscita di fiamme, e di...
05 | 03 | 2018
Messe 10131One of the most important exhibition for hotel and gastronomy industry in Europe - Intergastra exhibition in Stuttgart, with its 29th edition - is...
26 | 02 | 2018
Messe 9431From April 24th to 27th 2018, Offcar will be in Singapore to attend Food and Hospitality Asia, the biggest fair dedicated to the hospitality of the...
15 | 01 | 2018
Messe 11527From 3 to 7 February 2018, Offcar will be present at the 29th edition of the Intergastra Fair in Stuttgart, one of the most important for the...
06 | 11 | 2017
Messe 12831Great success for Offcar at the 2017 Host Fair, the most important Ho.Re.Ca. event.
13 | 10 | 2017
Messe 14043It is time for you to meet us again at the Host Milano 2017 exhibition.
18 | 09 | 2017
Company 10344La storia di Offcar si ricollega idealmente all’azienda costituita da “Nei” Domenico Carraro.
22 | 08 | 2017
Messe 13208This year we will be present at the Fair Abastur 2017, guests of our partner Lavati.
29 | 06 | 2017
Produkten 11971Frying is one of the most appreciated ways of cooking by customers. Therefore, every restaurateur knows the importance of having an effective...
13 | 06 | 2017
Produkten 13087From 20th to 24th October 2017, we will be present at the 40th edition of Host Fair in Milan.
26 | 05 | 2017
Produkten 14502Thanks to the combination of barbecue and oven, Kopa for Offcar is able to reach a really high temperature giving food a special touch, smoking and...
09 | 05 | 2017
Produkten 11902The cooking hotplate made of special smooth steel of great thickness (20 mm)
10 | 04 | 2017
Produkten 13201The cooking plate exploits the direct contact and is suitable for limited thickness foods with relatively short cooking time such as meats, fish and...
20 | 03 | 2017
Produkten 16038Design and functionality find their maximum expression in the new concept by Offcar "Pasta Corner"
13 | 03 | 2017
Produkten 18012Teppanyaki is used especially with meat, fish and vegetable sliced in thin thickness with short cooking times
20 | 02 | 2017
Messe 13563Internorga Exhibition is is the top event for the Ho.Re.Ca market
20 | 02 | 2017
Messe 12497From February 15 to 18 we were in Spalato for the Adriatic Gastro Show.
15 | 02 | 2017
Produkten 17925Carnival is approaching and is growing the demand in the professional pastry for a product that allows to fry in a uniform manner even the most...
13 | 12 | 2016
Food 9794Why choose steaming: among the current cooking trends, methods that use steam to cook food are undoubtedly in the spotlight.
03 | 10 | 2016
Messe 10706Since 2011, the Fair Espacio Food & Service is the most important event in Chile for what concerns the food sector.
26 | 09 | 2016
Messe 11054The Food & Hospitality Fair is one of the most important fairs in Oman, exclusive business and networking platform for companies that operate...
05 | 09 | 2016
Messe 13478Recently the Abastur fair ended, the exhibition dedicated to the hotel industry and catering that brings together manufacturers and distributors of...
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